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Children, women, and HIV in Russian Federation

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Information: This information-analytic overview "Children, women, and HIV in Russian Federation" was prepared based on the materials of the research, conduced in ten territories, most of which have the highest HIV rate among population what includes women.
This overview presents and analyses HIV statistics among women and children in the country and in the territories observed, it analyses the practice of care delivery to HIV-positive women and children, including the issue of prenatal HIV-prevention. One of the important subjects discussed in the overview is the question of care delivery to abandoned children born from HIV-positive mothers. The overview of the legislative and normative acts on HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention shows the measures taken by the Ministry of health in RF on the implementation of the complex approach to the questions of PMTCT. This overview contains the suggestions on the quality improvement of care delivery and the delivery of social and psychological support to children, women, and families affected by HIV-infection.
Library Catalogues: HIV/AIDS
Related pages: Improvement collaboratives, HIV/AIDS
Language of document русский
Place of publishing Ministry of Health and Social Development of RF, UNICEF
Authors Voronin E.E., Terentyeva Zh.V., Afonina L.Y., Koroleva L.P., Epoyan T.A.
Year of publishing 2004
Pages 40
Сhanged: 5.05.2010
Uploaded: 2511
Keywords: abandoned children, HIV among women and children, HIV/AIDS, normative documents, PMTCT, quality improvement , social orphanhood, statistics, медико-социальная помощь

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