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Russian Regulations


1. Work arrangement on support and promotion of breast-feeding in medical and preventive facilities of obstetrics and childhood. Guidelines for doctors.

Information: The purpose of this document is to combine knowledge and expertise on main approaches how to arrange the work on breast-feeding support and promotion and to inform the executives in healthcare and working doctors in this field about these approaches. The guideline for doctors decribes 10 principles (steps) of successful breast-feeding, which can be applicable to different medical and preventive facilities of obstetrics and childhood. It also includes the desciption of different approaches used in Russia and authors' own experience in the field of breast-feeding promotion and support. It contains recommendations how to prevent hypogalactia and recommendations on what food the women who breastfeed should eat. It also provides a good reference list to the works of different international and Russian specialists working in this field.
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Language of document русский
Place of publishing RAMN nutrition institute, Institute of public health and heathcare management, MMA Sechenov I.M.
Authors Kon I.Y., Abolyan L.V., Fateeva E.M., Gmoshinskaya M.V.
Year of publishing 2005
Pages 48