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Reproductive health


1. Официальный сайт федерального государственного учреждения "Научный центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии имени академика В.И. Кулакова"

External Links:
Language of document русский

2. Официальный сайт Ивановского научно-исследовательского института материнства и детства им В.Н. Городкова

External Links:
Language of document русский

3. Ссылка на книгу по прекращению курения

Information: В данной книге содержится информация по продвижению служб по оказанию помощи в прекращении курения, по рекламе служб по оказанию помощи в прекращении курения в рамках антитабачных кампаний, а также по разработке кампаний по продвижению служб по оказанию помощи в прекращении курения.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing
Pages 30

4. Курение и беременность

Information: На данном сайте описывается, что же происходит с организмом курящей женщины, когда наступает долгожданный момент беременности.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing Сайт для тех, кто хочет бросить пить, курить и отказаться от других вредных привычек

5. Informational portal for youth "Everything about love and contraception"

Information: This portal was done specially for adolescence. Here they can find all kind of information about their health, new and exact facts about HIV/AIDS, contraception, and STIs. They can also get free and fast consultation online of the qualified specialist in this sphere about any fact related to these topics. It also contains the list of organizations and facilities in St.Petersburg, which provide medical, psychological or social help for free or for a very low price.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing Councelling center "Yuventa"

6. Healthy lifestyle and prevention of socially-important diseases

Information: This electronic sourse contains information on the main principles of reproductive health, reproductive health of women, family planning, STIs, materials for lectures and other educational material useful for specialists working in this field.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing requested by Moscow State Medico-Stomatological University

7. Girl's health. Internet resourse on reproductive health

Information: This link leads to the useful list of articled written on the reproductive health of girls.
External Links:
Language of document русский

8. Informatinal resourse "Everything about contraception"

Information: This Internet resourse contains information on the modern methods of contraception, medicine, tests, and pregnancy.
External Links:
Language of document русский

9. Psychological problems of mothers and children: early detection and prevention

Information: This manual discusses the issues of mothers and children, what includes the questions of preventions, social and psychological assistance to children and adults belonging to the "high-risk groups".
This manual is addressed to the social workers, psychologists, psychologists, teachers, and medical workers.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing downloaded from UNICEF webpage
Authors Vorontsova N.N., Dikarev A.V., Zherebtsova V.V., Strelkova O.V., Furmanov I.A., Balakhova N.V.
Year of publishing 2001
Pages 80

10. Main WHO publications in Russian language

Information: Following this link you can find the main important recently published WHO documents on such topics as: pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, women and health, children, violence, nutrition and physical exercise, main medicine for children, etc.
WHO allows to do free downloads of their publications or order them via WHO book store.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing WHO