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1. Center for Advanced Pediatric and Perinatal Education

Information: Данный сайт принадлежит центру для усовершенствования педиатрии и перинатального образования (США), во главе которого стоит Dr. Louis P. Halamek, проводивший тренинг по симуляционным программам в Центре Кулакова 14-15 июня, 2011.
External Links:
Language of document русский

2. Официальный сайт Тверской государственной медицинской академии

External Links:
Language of document русский

3. UNICEF knowledge hub

Information: On this webpage you can find a full set of documents written on the child rights in RF and in the whole world. It contains UNICEf publications as well as publications of other UN organizations, Russian and international governmental organizations, NGOs and charity organizations.
All the documents are sorted out according to their type, topics, it's also possible to make a search according to the date they were published on this webpage. Documents are presented in Russian and English languages.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing UNICEF

4. Main WHO publications in Russian language

Information: Following this link you can find the main important recently published WHO documents on such topics as: pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, women and health, children, violence, nutrition and physical exercise, main medicine for children, etc.
WHO allows to do free downloads of their publications or order them via WHO book store.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing WHO