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Breast feeding


1. Till what age exclusively breast-feeding is a good nutrition for infants?

Information: This is an answer to the question published in the section "Online questions and answers" on WHO webpage. It answers the question "Till what age exclusively breast-feeding is a good nutrition for infants?". Authors give advice on how to cook food fro infants, how often to feed them, and how much food to give.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing WHO webpage
Authors WHO
Year of publishing 2008

2. Educational materials on breast-feeding of the Initiative "Child-friendly hospital"

Information: The following link leads to the educational materials on breast-feeding, prepared in frames of the Initiative "Child-friendly hospital".

*Our project can support printing out these materials if requested.
External Links:
Language of document русский
Place of publishing Moscow Medical Academy named after Sechenov I.M.